
Of all the rainbows out there ‘blue
Is the colour of the infinite sky that
Within it holds so many secrets
In layers of stardust and hope that
Keeps it afloat above us magically
It is the shade of strength crashing
Against rocks silently leaving its
Marks teaching us a lesson of
resilience and strength at all times
It is the ink with which pages are
Decorated delicately to tell stories
It reminds me of my Hydrangeas
Bathed in shawl of shades of tranquil
Air that help me breathe and relax
That mesmerizing butterfly that flutters
In the garden each day from one
Flower to another dancing to the
Music the trees and air seem to play
But most of all it’s the silver lining
That runs right under my skin quietly
Powerfully for this barely noticeable
Alive thread holds my life in its leash

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