It’s in the Wind

As I step out of the dreary
Building filled only with
Mechanized voices and
Hollow laughter of people
The outside air feels so
Fresh like a weight lifted
Off my chest and I could
Breathe openly, absorbing
the surrounding to realize
The wind carrying patrichor
I look around and a smile
Spreads on my face noticing
The slightly wet floor and
Breathtaking garden glistening
Under umbrella of water
Droplets like decorations
On my favorite Christmas tree
I inhale deeply letting the air
Fill my lungs like silent
Hope making its way to
Brighten the gloomy day
It carries peace in its waves
Subtly relaxing the spirit
Like watching a sunset after
A long tiring day at work
The birds sing songs perched
On trees creating music
And it feels that the chilly
Wind is dancing to the tune
As I hum along with them
The heart peacefully beats
Happiness is in the wind


The air seems to be telling
Tales carried from across
Worlds filled with questions
The clouds travel with secrets
You try to decipher in their
Shapes and sizes looking for
Answers you can’t find in life
The smoke rising afar drifting
Scattering into nothingness as
If it never existed reminding me
Of fragility of human life itself
How people disappear into voids
Like we had imagined them into
Existence just to dispel our misery
And how the homes we hold so
Close collapse under pressure as
If the safest place was never more
Than an illusion for peace and love
Our lives are an infinite stream of
Enigmas we all try to figure with
Hope that it will help us give some
Meaning to this puzzle of ‘life’

People Dissapoint

On this stage full of actors
Each trying to outsmart the
Another by playing their
Parts with eased perfection
Under masks of murky
Gray characters that cloud
Over your view of the world
Making it appear as dark as
The white painted hospital
Walls and as dull as the beep
Of the heart wanting to sleep
People disappoint you in
Ways that make you wonder
Make you question yourself
How deceiving and deep those
Layers of skin were wrapped
Around their faces that you
Couldn’t tell real from fake
Ones, wishing to tear off the
Intimate cocoons they hide in
Peel of one plastic layer after
Another till the backstabbers
Knives can be seen and the
Lies can be put on display
For the world to know the
Ugliness people hide behind
The perfectly crafted smiles

In Retrospect

In retrospect of life
Regrets make way easy
Apologies feel far while
Life feels wasted away
While hope feels like a
Fading shade of sun
Just before it sinks
From view while you
Watch trying to grasp
How much has been
Lost in time ticking
Away in to star dust
And endless memories
Swim across the vision
All a blur, too quick to
Isolate one memory
From another but you
Can almost reach out
And intimately trace the
Fragments surrounding
You in a whirlwind of
People and places and
Words that don’t matter
For it’s too late to go
Back to ‘undo‘ the done
But you can look forward
Drop the bag of weight
Filled with dead people
You carry around and
Reach out to the ones
Standing at the doors
Waiting for you to join
Them on the other side

There is Love

There is Love everywhere
It is when a mother scolds
Her child for being later
It is when a father proudly
Talks about his son’s work
It is when two friends sit
And laugh across a coffee
Table catching up on life
It is when a grandmother
Bakes cookies for her
Grand-kids even when her
Hands shake and back aches
It is when she stands at the
Airport two hours earlier than
The flight, constantly looking
Down at her watch and then
The gate with hopeful eyes
It is when a child helps an
Elderly cross the road happily
It is when they write a story
Together for the world to see
It is when they argue non-stop
But he protects her from bullies
It is when the wind blows cold
And the sun shine bright while
We see a rainbow across the sky
It is spread across oceans and
Waves if only we’d pay attention

Happiness in a Tea Cup

Happiness resides in a tea cup
Simmering and boiling with warmth
An aroma that relaxes your senses
Taking away your stress of the day
The smile the first sip brings as
Your lips are tantalized with the
Taste of the heaven and you can only
Fall deeper in love with this magical
Creation as it takes you to a calmer
Place which removes all worries
From your mind making you feel
Lighter and hopeful about this world
Reminding you that there will be a
Tomorrow and it’s okay to breathe
It wraps you up in comfort of its 
Familiarity like coming back home
After losing way in chaos of world

For The Love of Art

Art resides within each on of us
It is the calling you can’t ignore
That one voice that pushes you
Towards what you desire most
Achingly with a fire that refuses
To ever burn out inside of you
It is what makes you stand out
From how you may sing to write
Or the way your eyes light up
Playing your favourite instrument
How your hands move sketching
Perfection on papers and canvases
Or maybe it is when you travel
Places with your loved characters
It is the unique calling for everyone
That one thing which makes us
All different yet connects together
Seeing the art in each-other’s eyes
Appreciating when we see the
Efforts each individual makes to be
Honestly happy in being them-self
We must respect and encourage
All to never let their fire burn out
For the love of art and need to stay
Real in this world which is turning
Artificial by the day, lets never stop
Fighting to keep our voice alive

The reason

When life throws you off balance
Remember, you are brave enough
To deal with the horror coming
Your way, just know that giving up
Is not an option for you were made
To do something bigger in this  life
To accept defeat is the easiest path
To stand up and look the world in
The eyes again takes real strength
And you were always a warrior, love
And people like you fight till the last
Drop of blood in them is left and
Never give up, for without you the
world will a few shades darker with
The grays winning over the white
Smiles replaced by heavy hearts so
You must fight as people have faith
In your abilities and strength to win
Against all odds, you were always
The reason the world meant more


Time heals the biggest wounds
It spreads over the hurt parts
Slowly wrapping them up with
Patience, teaching them to let go
Gradually making the pain subside
Like a dull bearable ache in you
That you learn to live with, smiling
It teaches you gratitude for little
Things you never thought mattered
But as a wise teacher it waits for
You to catch up with and learn to
Smile again realizing you survived
It will plant hope in your heart again
Letting you know feel the world has
A-lot to offer to you and one failure
Is not a reason to stop rather to be
More stronger in face of adversaries
But most of all time teaches you that
You are capable of surviving wounds


What does it feels like dreaming?
Is it perhaps like a parallel life
Or a surreal version of our desires
I have never known

What does it feel like to not worry?
Is it perhaps like chocolates
Or thunderstorms on a sunny day
I’m starting to forget

What does it feel like to not struggle?
Is it perhaps a boring routine
Or happiness without an end
I’d like to know someday

What does it feel like to laugh freely?
Is it perhaps exhilarating
Or is it something unattainable
I wonder if anyone knows

What does it feels like to live your life?
Is it perhaps a privilege for a few
Or is it something not known
I wonder if you know?