The Very Inspiring and Creative Blogger Awards

Hey my lovelies!

AGAIN! YES! Another award, this is so embarrassing (in a good way! lol) and beautiful as well. This time I have been nominated for these two awards by my beautiful friend, Fatmawaty, the girl has a beautiful blog and I like how her writings have lessons in them, please do visit her blog (I apologize for taking this long to respond).

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award (VIB) which recognizes bloggers “who work hard to keep the blogosphere a beautiful place”. I’m not sure if I’m worthy enough to be called Inspiring but thank-you, really ❤

Award Guidelines:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
  2. Display the award in a blog entry.
  3. List the award guidelines so your nominees will know what to do.
  4. State 7 hidden facts about yourself.
  5. Nominate other blogger friends for the award.

So here goes nothing, 7 hidden facts about me:

1. All flying insects scare the hell out of me (Yes, I scream and run around the house, if I see any)
2. I’m really good at hiding my real emotions, even at my worst of days I can smile through it like it’s nothing.
3. I connect with Sylvia Plath’s words at an uncanny level.
4. I don’t know writers block, never experienced them.
5. I like knowing people on a personal level. I love listening to people talk their hearts out, I can listen forever.
6. I write for “my people”, I love the idea of people having personalized notes from me.
7. I like playing the ‘invisible’ part.

And Fatma was kind enough to not give me one award but two, so the next one is Creative Blogger Award, again thank-you so much ❤

Award Guidelines:

  1. Nominate 15-20 blogs and notify all nominees via their social media/blogs.
  2. Thank and post the link of the blog that nominated you.
  3. Share 5 facts about yourself to your readers.
  4. Pass these rules on to them.

5 facts about me:

1.  Words are home to me, I think this is quite obvious by now 🙂
2. I can’t stand lies, there is no white/grey/black lies. I see them as lies.
3.  I’m brutally honest.
4. I love reading books (anything and everything)
5. I suffer from regular headaches.

So now, here are my nominees for both these awards:

1. Kirsty 
2. Kritika
3. Prateek
4. Shambhavi
5. Ayushi
6. Paul
7. Darshith (See I do notice your work xD)
8. Izza
9. Yoshiko
10. Ifrah
11. Shreya
12. Randstein
13. Blondeusk
14. Arwen
15. Naima

Once again, thank-you Fatma. I’m truly honored ❤ and guys feel free to accept the award or if it’s too much trouble, no worries, I will still love you guys 😀

29 thoughts on “The Very Inspiring and Creative Blogger Awards

  1. Of course, this gets even more amazing as we go. Congratulations and it is always fun to see how you will answer questions so that we learn what an interesting person you are. Thank you for sharing this with me, Barrira. I will have to find a fun way to announce this on my blog 🙂 And, I have a surprise for you Wednesday on my blog. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When people call me interesting, I lose my ability to speak since I think I’m the opposite of that 🙂 Oh you do? Really? I haven’t checked any blog in 2 days, hell I had backlog of two days comments to catch up with. work sucks! I tell you -_-
      But I look forward to seeing what you will post, I need some cheering lol

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have a lot of catching up too. I may sneak out of retirement soon and then I’ll be tired and wondering why I did it. Wednesday, I have a hopefully interesting announcement. Of course, you are in it along with some of our mutual blogging friends 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I have centuries till I retire xD although life is failing apart too quickly with this health lol and ah must check your blog soon 🙂
        I look forward to the surprise ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I hope it will make you smile. Remember – No strings attached. Now this week I must put together my acceptance speech 🙂 But first, I must drink a lot of coffee and tea. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I still have to read that post, jugging between places and work and commitments, just need the weekend to come quickly.
        Tea ❤ I will go make some to get happy lol

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  2. Congratulation my dear friend, barrira! You’re awesome blogger and writer! I really like your words, and I admire your writing. Fantastico!!!
    ❤ ❤ ❤ Thank you for your nice response, dear!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Go right ahead love, you don’t even need to ask me. Please feel free to e-mail whenever and as much as you wish to 🙂


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