The reason

When life throws you off balance
Remember, you are brave enough
To deal with the horror coming
Your way, just know that giving up
Is not an option for you were made
To do something bigger in this  life
To accept defeat is the easiest path
To stand up and look the world in
The eyes again takes real strength
And you were always a warrior, love
And people like you fight till the last
Drop of blood in them is left and
Never give up, for without you the
world will a few shades darker with
The grays winning over the white
Smiles replaced by heavy hearts so
You must fight as people have faith
In your abilities and strength to win
Against all odds, you were always
The reason the world meant more

41 thoughts on “The reason

  1. Oh, thank you. Normally, I’m always up and ahead but today, I needed this.
    Also going to bookmark this for whenever I need that small push. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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