Very Inspiring Blogger Award – AGAIN!!

award6Hola people!

You guys keep making my days and I can’t thank you guys enough for all the love you send my way. This time I’ve been nominated for ‘Very Inspiring Blogger Award‘ by Geethu and Kri, both these lovelies are my absolute sweethearts ❤ and have tremendous writing power. I would be grateful if all of the readers can drop by and check out there pages, in case you haven’t already 🙂

The rules of the Award

  • Thank the person who nominated you for the award
  • Add the logo to your post
  • Nominate ten (10) bloggers you admire and inform them of the nomination

My list of nominations for the award in no particular order:

1. Will:
2. Arwen:
3. Blondeusk:
4. Chris:
5. Randstein:
6. Kirsty:

Thank-you for the nominations once again my beauties and apologies for taking this long to revert on the nominations 🙂 Anybody else who feels like being part of this, feel free to join the award. All of you’re an inspiration for me, the encouragement to come back here every day and share a few words and thoughts with you all is something I look forward to.

Blessings to you all.

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