Of Dragon’s and Dardo’s

Hi All!

I cannot say enough thank-yous for the award nominations that keep coming my way!, One of my lovelies, Kri and the bravest, Hbhatnagar nominated me for the “Dragon’s loyalty Award”, it’s an award for the loyal fan/commenter, whether the recipient is a fellow blogger or just someone who follows and comments regularly.

Thank-you, both of you, I’m honoured. All these nominations mean a lot :). Kri, I’m sorry for taking this long to respond (Yes! been over 2 weeks now, my apologies)

The Premio Dardos
As you all know by know, My Kri is super generous in distributing the awards and not only did she nominate me for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award, she also nominated me for “Permio Dardos Award“, it  is given from one blogger to another, in recognition of cultural, ethical, literary and personal values that are transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. Thank-you Kri, for all the love and constant support 🙂

Rules for the Awards

1. Thank the giver and link their blog to your post.
2. Pass the award on to other bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated.
3. Give 7 facts about yourself.

7 Facts about myself

1. I never say ‘No’, which also means that most of the time, I end up juggling with more than I can handle.
2. I love Nando’s chocolate cake (A little too much!)
3. I’m a chai (Tea) addict.
4. I see things as black or white, not gray.
5. The best time of the day for me is when the world sleeps and I stay up.
6. I love reading, so much so that even before I finish the books in hand, I go buy new ones so that I never have to run out of reading material.
7. I have a gift of hiding my emotions quite well, even the closest of my people rarely would know, what goes on in my head.

My Nominations for both the awards

1. Dan
2. Will
3. Prateek
4. Mani
5. Naima
6. Blondeusk
7. Michelle
8. Paul
9. Annie
10. Sumyanna

Note: As always, the nominations are open and there are no obligation to accept them, if you can participate though, it will be great 🙂

Thank-you & Blessings

Brotherhood Award

Hola people!

I have been yet again nominated by one of my favourite and loveliest blogger Kri for the “Brotherhood Award”, thank-you so much for all the love and I can’t thank-you enough for the award nomination.

The rules of the award:

1) Thank and link back to the person who nominated you for the award.
2) List the Rules and Display the Brotherhood of the world Award logo to your post and/or blog.
3) Answer the questions set to you and then you may create your set of questions for your nominees.
4) Nominate around ten other bloggers and let them know about the award.

Below is the list of questions asked from the nominations:

1. You are given the responsibility to bring global peace, how will you do that?

Answer: I would probably refuse such a responsibility, realistically the world has people who are shades of ‘grey’, and as long as even one person is working for their own benefit, it will cost something to to another, there will be no peace. At most, I can only promise to do my part.

2. Did blogging improve your life in any way?

Answer: Yes, it did. I got a place to call “home” ❤

3. You can do anything you want for 3 hours, what would you do?

Answer: Nowadays, catch up on sleep (haha!) generally though read and be left alone in silence.

4. Reading or writing, given you’ll be paid for reading?

Answer: Writing and Reading, both I do for the “peace” it brings. Nothing it has, has got to with money. So pay me or not, I will always be doing both, can’t just read because I was being paid and not write.

5. An idea of a perfect life?

Answer: We all know there is nothing as “perfect”, humans are designed that way, in my believe. However, the ideal would be away from the chaos of world, somewhere in nature, mountains perhaps, cold would be nice lol.

6. You can travel back in time, what year you would choose and why?

Answer:  I ain’t turning back 🙂 even if to just view, what’s gone must remain gone. Don’t want to come back to present with more of past attached to my mind.

7. Space, Solitude, Silence. Choose one and why?

Answer: Silence, always. I find peace within the stillness, that’s why.

8. Is there life elsewhere in universe?

Answer: I would like to believe so or I would be truly heart broken.

9. You have to plan a surprise for your best friend, but you are broke. What will you plan?

Answer: I don’t have best friends, I find it too cliche of a label ( a personal opinion) but yes I have a handful of close friends, and being broke is never a problem xD I’ll write them a poem and give them a hug. They know me well enough to know how I don’t believe in grand gestures and big plans 🙂

10. One of your friends, with whom you were not in contact for many years, meets you somewhere and starts cursing you. How will you tackle the situation?

Answer: Smile and walk away xD

My list of questions and nominations are as follows:

1. Do you believe in second chances?
2. Are you satisfied with who you are, today?
3 .Any certain religious philosophy or concept you completely believe in?
4. If given a chance to be any famous literary author from history for one day, who will you choose and why?
5. One thing that annoys you the most about other people?
6. Being “truly yourself”, what does that mean to you?
7. If you could change one thing about the world, what will it be?
8. How do you express sadness?
9. Where would you like to travel, if given a chance to do so?
10. Your favourite time of day/ night, why?

1. Dan
2. Shreya
3. Paul
4. Maryam
5. Ayushi
6. Shubhada
7. Mani
8. Lumen
9. George
10. Prateek

Thank-you once again Kri <3, good luck to all the nominations and as always, there is no compulsion to participate but I’d love to read your answers if you participate.


Starlight Award

Hola lovelies!

One of my dearest and most favourite sister’s here nominated me for the “Starlight Award“, thank-you Kri as always. I’m honoured and I cannot apologize enough for how long I have taken to get back and respond to the nomination. I apologize for the delay. People do check out her blog, she is one of most talented and versatile bloggers out here that I know ❤

Nominations Rules:

Nominate your 6 favorite bloggers! In your nominees I would like for you to think at the light emanating from the stars the ones that truly touch your soul with their work, the ones that are the light for you a true STARLIGHT Blogger.

This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers.
This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers.

Rules for the STARLIGHT Blogger Award:

1. Thank the giver and link their Blog to your post.
2. Answer the 3 questions given to you.
3. Please Pass the award on to 6 or more other Bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated by you.
4. Include the logo of the award in a post or on your Blog please never alter the logo and never change the rules.

Please don’t delete this note: the design for the STARLIGHT Bloggers Award has been created from YesterdayAfter is a Copyright image you cannot alter or change it in any way just pass it to others that deserve this award.
Copyright 2015 © YesterdayAfter.com – Design by Carolina Russo

Questions I was given:

1. How do you deal with a situation where you have nothing to write but want to write?

Answer: Honestly, I have no clue. I have never experienced what we call “Writer’s Block”. Words come easy and the desire to write is always strong, like I say that words are home for me and perhaps I have never encountered such a situation for how you can ever forget your way to your home? 🙂

2. What changes (if any) blogging has brought in you?

Answer: I do think blogging has brought a change in me, for one I have finally realized how important writing was to me, something I was pushed to do by a few close friends (still very few friends are aware of the blog I maintain) who thought I needed this and I had a way with words. Yet, I didn’t believe in my ability to write but my need to vent and let things out and here we are today. I have so many friends across the globe, I have eventually learned to broaden on topics I write and on most days am able to disconnect what I write from how I might actually be feeling. I’m still learning and got a long way to go but yes, diversity is important from where I stand now.

3. What would you like the legacy of your work to be?

Answer: Most of you’re aware that my line of work has nothing to do with writing/literature at all. In-fact, there is nothing in common with what I do in my daily life and there is too big of a disconnect. However, I sincerely hope and pray that some day I will have the opportunity to write professionally and make a difference to some lives. I’m not looking for fame, I’m the sort of person who stays away from any attention but I’d like my words to be heard and maybe they could leave a lasting impression on somebody.

My nominations:

1. Kirsty (I miss you, come back already)
2. Blondeusk
3. Dan
4. Will
5. Annie
6. Paul

My questions for you guys

1. If you could turn back time, would you? why/why not.
2. Will you kill someone to save a loved one? (given you had no other options)
3. One of your deepest fears is?

Note: Thank-you Kri again, I know I have another post to respond to, bear with me 🙂 I’m grateful for the nomination and for the nominees; good-luck guys, as always feel free to participate or not but I’d love to see your responses.

Blessings to all.<3

Versatile Blogger Award!

Here it goes again!

I can’t begin to describe how blessed and loved I feel by all these award nominations that keep coming my way, no matter how much thanks I say, I know it’s not enough.  This time, I’ve been nominated by this absolutely amazing artist, who draws such beautiful sketches that you will not stop once you start going over her stuff <3, Esra Aysuthank-you for the nominations. I’m grateful for it. Please keep drawing and sharing your stuff, guys please go visit her page to see what magic she creates ❤

Rules of the award:

1. Thank the person who gave you this award
2. Include a link to their blog
3. Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you follow and love
4. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
5. Finally, tell 7 things about yourself. ( I have been given seven questions to answer this time with this award)

Here goes

1.If you are to witness/experience something paranormal/supernatural would you share it with someone or would you keep it to yourself?

1. I’d keep it to myself, not everything is meant to be shared 🙂

2.Who are your top three poet or writer? (you can write both)

2. Charles Bukowski, Sylvia Plath, Pablo Neruda, Vladimir Nabokov, Anne Sexton and George Orwell (Sorry can’t number or narrow them down more than this)

3.Do you collect something?If “yes” then;what do you collect?

3. I collect poems and quotes.

4.Is there any language/languages you wish you knew,if there is then which one/ones?

4. Well …I’d like to learn Arabic, Roman and Hebrew (Maybe, I’m not sure)

5.Just imagine,beyond black holes;what would you wish there to be?

5. Silence, absolute void and silence within stillness

6.Anything you miss which has become obsolete?

6. Human value 🙂

7.Is there a movie you recommend viewing? What is it?

Movie recommendation can be quite a long list, here are few of my favourite Schindler’s list, The shawshank redemption, Forest Gump, A clockwork Orange and Casablanca.

I can go on for quite sometime with the list but recommending one is too difficult 🙂

Thank-you once again Esra! Really, all these awards mean a lot and encourage me to keep on writing every day ❤
As always, the nomination ground is open for whoever wants to participate and feel free to share any 7 facts you may wish for the blogger community to know about you 🙂

Much Love & Blessings to you all,

The Creative Blogger Award

What a lovely way to start the weekend! to be honoured yet again with an AWARD!!
Once again I have been nominated for Creative blogger Award by the lovely writergirl, her writings are passionate and very intense. I have always enjoyed her work and would encourage all of you to check out her page.

The Rules:

  1. Nominate 15-20 blogs and notify the nominees.
  2. Post the link of the blog that nominated you.
  3. Share 5 random facts about yourself.

5 random facts about me:

1. I want to know your story. (Yes, go figure).
2. I have exceptional emotional strength (Okay, so I’m bragging)
3. I eat, breathe and drink books
4. Happiness is a cup of chai/tea
5. I’m (boringly) reliable for people I care about.

Thank-you once again and apologies for taking this long love, I’m always juggling 🙂 as for the nomination for this award, all of you lovely readers who drop by each day and send love my way, are nominated.

Blessings ❤

Very Inspiring Blogger Award – AGAIN!!

award6Hola people!

You guys keep making my days and I can’t thank you guys enough for all the love you send my way. This time I’ve been nominated for ‘Very Inspiring Blogger Award‘ by Geethu and Kri, both these lovelies are my absolute sweethearts ❤ and have tremendous writing power. I would be grateful if all of the readers can drop by and check out there pages, in case you haven’t already 🙂

The rules of the Award

  • Thank the person who nominated you for the award
  • Add the logo to your post
  • Nominate ten (10) bloggers you admire and inform them of the nomination

My list of nominations for the award in no particular order:

1. Will: williamleeone.wordpress.com
2. Arwen: https://elpislazuli.wordpress.com/
3. Blondeusk: https://blondewritemore.wordpress.com/
4. Chris: https://chrisnelson61.wordpress.com/
5. Randstein: https://hyperionsturm.wordpress.com
6. Kirsty: https://kirstydavies1990.wordpress.com/

Thank-you for the nominations once again my beauties and apologies for taking this long to revert on the nominations 🙂 Anybody else who feels like being part of this, feel free to join the award. All of you’re an inspiration for me, the encouragement to come back here every day and share a few words and thoughts with you all is something I look forward to.

Blessings to you all.