The misfit

The constant struggle to fit in
With the normal people wears
Me down by end of each day
Not finding my place between
The fake giggles and high pitched
Laughter erupting from the vocals
I watch in confusion wondering if
They all could see how useless
These masks were which they
Carefully crafted to hide their real
Faces behind an imaginary deceit
They think no-one notices but it
Makes me wince seeing those ugly
Lines stretched too far for too long
They push me to laugh a little harder
For after-all my silence scares them
They throw me between each other
Trying to drill holes in me to extract
A few more gossips in hope to kill
Time they can’t seem to get rid off
But I have nothing to offer so I sit
Unmoved with a blank stare and a
Dazzling smile I have reserved to keep
Them at bay from ripping me apart
If they get too near they would know
I’m real and what they see isn’t a mask
I wear to fool the world to fall in love
With me rather I’m the quiet dark soul
Swimming behind that flawless smile
Bored when they find me so empty
They ask me for my opinion about
His new shoes then tell me I need to
Be softer in my choice of words being
Too honest can turn off people they
Mock me in a sweet tone trying to hide
Their disdain and I smile ruefully not
Saying anything back au contraire I’m
Exhausted with the meaningless chats
All these dramas and lies around me
Are to be eaten casually over lunch
Just like any other day this also ends
In me on this side and them across the
Hall waiting to pick me apart like a doll

50 thoughts on “The misfit

  1. I allowed “those” types of people to push me into a dark corner, and I tried to be kind, but when the situation added to my problems, I pushed back with a vengeance and “they” seemed suprised! My word to the phonies, “Do not mistake Kindness for Weakness!”

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  2. I have been told more than once that due to the fact that I am brutally honest, people seem to run away from me. I rather be that way than wear a mask just to entertain some lies that would be useless for me and then.

    B, you rock! Be the person you are ’cause misfits have the potential to bring the revolution! ❤



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      1. Haha, I feel like at the moment, this world is all about approval! I will certainly never get approved but then I care a darn for that sick approval! 😀

        Sometimes I wonder, does my family stuck around because ‘they have to’ (lol)?
        It’s not how they make me feel but sometimes life takes a stance on its own based on the past experiences.

        Okay, I will just stop ranting (lol).


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      2. Same here, I seem to keep denying anything ‘normal’ thrown at me by society’s standard and all I’m doing is just being myself lol. Oh I can relate to that very well, I generally always feel bad for people who are stuck with me and they think they’d be better off if I wasn’t a part of their lives 🙂

        (In other news wordpress has been blocked here and I’m so upset because there is very limited functioning left for now. Can’t seem to access any blogs *sigh*)

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      3. Yeah, I know WordPress has been banned there because they hosted an alleged TTP website!!
        I mean I was so angry! They are gonna ban everything in the name of terrorism? YouTube and now WordPress! I hope that doesn’t last long ’cause it’s ridiculous!
        I feel a threat to freedom of speech is a threat to humanity!! There are always other solutions than banning stuff.


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      4. I know, it’s so infuriating. There is never anything concretely or properly done for after all it’s so much easier to block a site than go out and grab the people responsible for blood they have decorated this country with, giving us horror stories to remember.

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      5. I believe in not settling and letting them know to ‘back off’ by writing or anything but the message should be conveyed!
        Our home needs peace and this is no way to bring peace in the land.


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      6. Haha, I would love to meet you in person someday and then chat about this awesomeness with a cup of coffee (lol — or maybe tea cause you might like tea better as you seem to mention it a lot in your poems, one whole poem dedicated to ‘chai’)
        We can then see who is awesome 😉


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      7. Oh MY! I’d love that xD the thought of discussing words with a like minded person, how can an evening get better than that? ❤
        hahah yes I pretty much OCD over chai but I'm sure we'll find a place which caters to both of our needs ^^,

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Growing up, I was blessed in that my father encouraged me not to settle for being like the others….I think because he knew that it led to mediocrity. I think that there is less pressure to fit in as you get older…if that helps =P Just be yourself…but you knew that. =)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Agreed 🙂 I have always been a little weird, the fact that I’m socially uncomfortable just adds to it lol but as I have grown up over the years, I have stopped being so concerned with how people think of me so guess it does kinda gets better xD

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      1. I think most people who see themselves that way are more introverted than extroverted. The great thing is that the time for we introverts is here! Have you seen the TED Talk or any of the other materials on the power of introverts?

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      2. I’m an introvert through and through, it’s really bad lol at social gathering I’m generally hiding in a corner hoping I would go invisible but alas, small talks find their way to me ha!
        Nope, not really. I have randomly watched TED talks but nothing too specifics, Any recommendations?

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  4. Normalcy is boring. Be who you are. There’s no point throwing meaningless words around, and even less point in sharing your profound thoughts with those who won’t appreciate them.

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  5. What a powerful poem. Reminded me of a brilliant quote from Alice in Wonderland, something along the lines of:
    Hatter: Have I gone mad?
    Alice: Yes, I’m afraid so. You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret… all the best people are.

    Here’s to being weird and proud.

    Liked by 1 person

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