Pieces of Me

As I try to put myself together
For another day to survive
There is a burning desire to let
My pieces freely dissipate into
Nothingness just to feel peace
I sense my eyes starting a war
With my head as a dizzy spell
Takes over making the world
Feel light like a feather not
Knowing its destination to settle
I hear my heart beat slow down
Like music to my ears it makes
Me sway and I stumble around
Another piece of mine rages
I see my fingers tremble and
The faded blue and pink lines
Underneath my skin take a life
Of their own as they quarrel with
Each other trying to over power
Another not understanding one
Can’t survive long without the other
I bite my lower lip as my shaky
Fingers trace the maps on my
Arms jagged with precise points
Covering distances decorated
Each representing its own hell
I manage to clear my head to
Focus for minute perhaps before
A thunderstorm erupts behind
My ears making the world rattle
Another desperate attempt to
Gather broken pieces sewing them
Together quickly as the clock strikes
A warning of running out of time
I reach for the nearest mask and
Walk out of the door smiling to
Fool the world under starlight sky

34 thoughts on “Pieces of Me

  1. ” precise points
    Covering distances decorated
    Each representing its own hell
    I manage to clear my head to
    Focus for minute perhaps ”

    I can really appretiate this right now. Thank you for sharing it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Soon the unheardunspoken will be unable to continue hiding behind the words. The intense energy and light from within will burst the mortal bonds. All the pieces and the mask will atomically disintegrate. To save the mortals from death by light, the unheardunspoken will be transferred to the starry heavens, to give light to the universe from there.

    Liked by 1 person

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