Imagine a World

Imagine a world
Where we all were free to
Be who we wanted to be
The freedom to be yourself
I don’t know how that feels

Imagine a world
Where we didn’t kill to
Reinforce our power over
The weaker opponents
I don’t know what peace is

Imagine a world
Where parents encouraged
Their kids to live their dreams
Not molding them to their like
I don’t know a free childhood

Imagine a world
Where equal rights weren’t
Just talked about but practiced
And people were happy
I don’t know true happiness

Imagine a world
Where pain isn’t inflicted
Purposely on others rather
People choose to be thoughtful
I don’t know if we can

Imagine a world
Where hope and happiness
Still held meaning for us
In little things that we did
I don’t know either

Can we get humanity back?

43 thoughts on “Imagine a World

  1. Reblogged this on Surrendering My Shield and commented:
    This!!!!!! I read the words of this precious soul that many times call to me in the middle of the night. The awareness that our lives are connected by WP but our experiences are so vastly different. I am overcome at times by the reality of what I take for granted.


  2. It would be a wonderful world, wouldn’t it. I imagine all of these things and while we can’t change the world…we can control our own behavior and try to influence our little corner of the globe. Peace to you.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. When we can’t fight our own battles then how do they expect us to believe that they are actually fighting the battles for others?
        I am saddened with what’s happening but it has been going on so long now that we want a change in desperation.
        I am not going to start discussing politics with you because according to my father, I go too deep in that mess. May be some other time. And yea, I am done with the rant. I am going, don’t kill me for babbling too much (lol)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I love your rants, they show how fiercely you stand for what you believe in 🙂 and yes politics shouldn’t be discussed, my baba warns me of the same lol just that I’m scared we are sowing seeds for future internal war.
        May God keep us all safe ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Sowing seeds for future internal war?? Are you serious??
        People in the past did that job long time ago that’s why the war is ongoing and we are just contributing to the war-zone if we don’t rebel. I mean, again I don’t want to mention any politics but for the sake of this comment, I will. For example: The chairman of PTI is a former cricketer and just because we win WorldCup under his leadership doesn’t mean HE CAN RUN THW COUNTRY (blind-following — they don’t want to see with open eyes, they just wanna follow whoever give them false hope). I have nothing against that man instead I appreciate the reforms he put forward but the man himself doesn’t know how to implement what he is suggesting.
        Okay I won’t say a word now (lol) Promise. I should write you a long email or something then i won’t spoil your posts with my ranting comments (haha)
        You’re a gem I have come across on WordPress. I can’t thank you enough for finding me!! ❤


        Liked by 1 person

      4. 1, you can never spoil my posts by your comments or rants, ever ❤
        2, But if you still feel more comfortable ranting on an email space, we can do that 🙂
        3. Since we both are warned to stay off politics I shall keep this point precise, the whole yemen war is not our war, from where I see it, too much internal damage can happen here.
        I love communicating with you adorbs, you genuinely lighten up my mood ❤

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  3. JOHN LENNON, wrote, “Imagine all the people, living life in peace” Unfortunately ,as long as greed, selfishness, lust,etc, that kind of peace is impossible. However the peace I feel just communicating and sharing with folks like you, makes me happy for a while. I sometimes think I feel sorry for the people who do not know or care what real freedom is. [ don’t worry,be happy]

    Liked by 1 person

      1. A more vivid picture would be group/mob justice, don’t stop till you have killed the perpetrator or the-one-you-think-is-the-perpetrator


  4. If only..This world is so disappointing, the more I think about it. We all have such ideals of what the world should be like, but somehow it’s so impossible to attain.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have made our live’s impossibly complicated and depressing. All of us have individually played our parts so all we can do is imagine what we have lost upon or perhaps gain some day in future *sigh*


      1. I completely agree and am constantly baffled by it. You’d think that society’s tastes would get MORE sophisticated over the centuries. Instead, we seem to be backtracking. >.<

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  5. Wonderful writing and thought provoking. I am in my 50’s, I live in the U.S. and I cannot remember a time when there weren’t any wars,,,how sad is that! I do remember the 60’s when we tried for a world of peace and love. Unfortunately It is becoming a distant memory. Thank you for stopping by my blog!

    Liked by 1 person

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