It’s in the Wind

As I step out of the dreary
Building filled only with
Mechanized voices and
Hollow laughter of people
The outside air feels so
Fresh like a weight lifted
Off my chest and I could
Breathe openly, absorbing
the surrounding to realize
The wind carrying patrichor
I look around and a smile
Spreads on my face noticing
The slightly wet floor and
Breathtaking garden glistening
Under umbrella of water
Droplets like decorations
On my favorite Christmas tree
I inhale deeply letting the air
Fill my lungs like silent
Hope making its way to
Brighten the gloomy day
It carries peace in its waves
Subtly relaxing the spirit
Like watching a sunset after
A long tiring day at work
The birds sing songs perched
On trees creating music
And it feels that the chilly
Wind is dancing to the tune
As I hum along with them
The heart peacefully beats
Happiness is in the wind

Spread Happiness

A little smile on your face
Can make someone’s day
So cheer up for life is full
Of bumps and turns along
The twisted road you walk

Your words of hope are like
Rain on a barren land so
Write for they create happy
Rainbows in hearts of those
who hold you dear in life

Your twinkling eyes as a
Child does a magic trick
On the road corner turn
His bleak day a little brighter
So slow down it’s worth it

Your surprise gift to your
Mother on a random day
Made her smile through
Her pain as she lay in bed
So sit and share stories

Your invitation to a friend
Over a cup of tea after
Months saved your childhood
Friendship that was slipping
So laugh honestly and freely

Your world seems lighter
As you try to reach out
Realizing you had pulled
Away and they were waiting
For their happiness is you 

Happiness in a Tea Cup

Happiness resides in a tea cup
Simmering and boiling with warmth
An aroma that relaxes your senses
Taking away your stress of the day
The smile the first sip brings as
Your lips are tantalized with the
Taste of the heaven and you can only
Fall deeper in love with this magical
Creation as it takes you to a calmer
Place which removes all worries
From your mind making you feel
Lighter and hopeful about this world
Reminding you that there will be a
Tomorrow and it’s okay to breathe
It wraps you up in comfort of its 
Familiarity like coming back home
After losing way in chaos of world

Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award

sisterhoodoftheworld_zps04ae03d0Hey all!

The awards just never stop or more like the love never just stops pouring in here :), Kirsty has yet again nominated me for another award and this time it’s super special xD why? Because it’s the “Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award” ❤
To be part of a global writing sisterhood community, can’t ask for more than that 🙂 Thank-you so much Kirsty, for all the love and kind words you keep sending my way. You never fail to make me smile 🙂

As always, let’s begin with the rules of the award:

  • Thank the giver and link their blog to your post.
  • Answer the 10 questions given to you.
  • Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers of their choice and let them know that they have been nominated.
  • Include the logo of the award in a post or on your blog

Answering my questions

1. Is there something you have tried, but will never try again?

Honestly, can’t think of anything that was so regretful that I decided to never go near it again 🙂

2. Do you have a quirky habit?

Yes, I like collecting weird masks and gas masks picture, I also have a peculiar interest in surrealism.

3. What is your favourite memory as a child?

I was always a-lot in to sports but as I have grown older, I barely have anytime to do that any more. All the memories involving playing any sort of game from cricket to football to throwball, well all are my favourite 🙂

4.Who is your best friend? NOT lover/partner.

I have a very small social circle, among them a few very close friends but I can’t pick one person and say, “this is it” 🙂 I’m weird like that.

5. What would your dream date be?

That’s probably the most difficult question for me considering I’m a million miles away from romance but well a casual talk about books over coffee/tea, basically allowing me to be truly myself. Yes, I don’t want any flowers or grand gestures lol.

6. What is the worst thing about dating?

Not an expert on this so I’ll broaden the question a little (I apologise), I think the worst thing about any relationships that comes between two people is a set of expectations they build without ever communicating and then things start falling apart.

7, What is one movie that has influenced your life?

None 🙂

8. Would you change anything about yourself?

Yes, I wish I could say ‘No’ to people, that’s one thing I still haven’t learned.

9. Who is your favourite celebrity?

Hugh Laurie

10 .What was your most embarrassing moment?

I can’t quote any specific moment but I’m generally awkward and just embarrassed in social gathering and can’t make proper conversations.

Now my nominations

1. Naima
2. Kri
3. Shambhavi
4. Vishakha (As promised, I hope this helps 🙂 )
5. Geet
6. Mani
7. Blondeusk

And here is the list of my questions for my lovely ladies:

1. On the bad days, how do you cheer yourself up?
2. Which is your favourite food?
3. How do you let go?
4. How much do you value ‘silence’?
5. Will you hurt someone intentionally or lie to make them feel better?
6. Do you have faith in humanity? why or why not?
7. One thing you really wish could come true?
8. If you had to sum up your life in 10 or less words, what would they be?
9. How do you express anger?
10. What is the one thing that will turn you completely off about a person?

Thank-you Kirsty again for this ❤ and for the nominations, I look forward to seeing your answers lovelies, as always there is no compulsion, anybody who is not up for answering, doesn’t have to do so 🙂

Waking up

He watched her innocent face
Lovingly under the warm glow
Of the bed side lamp as she
Slept peacefully like a child
And a small smile formed on
His lips as she tried to brush
Away a hair strand in sleep
That kept disturbing her happy
Dreams of rainbows and love
He traced his fingers on her
Face lightly to not awake her
Feeling the smoothness of her
Skin against his rough hands
He knew every freckle to every
Curve her face delicately held
He hummed to himself as he
Continued to explore her skin
The fingers traveled to the neck
He could feel her life beating so
Softly and in a perfect rhythm
Like it was dancing to a tune
He stopped to look up at her as
She stirred under his big hands
Playfully, knowing he was waking
Her up like he did every morning
Reminding her of real happiness

Best Things in Life

Your hunger for money grows
Keeps you running in the rat race
As you search for something better
Bigger bank accounts to show off
Your big cars taking over the roads
Yet you remain perpetually restless
There is never any peace in your eyes
Swallowing blue pills to sleep every
Night, as the silent monsters scream
It’s a living nightmare of plastic life
Not all is rainbows and sunshine
Didn’t anybody ever tell you that
Best things in life aren’t things?
Happiness doesn’t exist in objects
Hug of a loved one on a tiring day
Can make the world feel lighter
An hour spent with an old friend
The genuine smile in their eyes
Brings the peace you crave inside
A kiss from your mom as you visit
She chides you for not showing up
Lovingly offers you baked cookies
Makes you realize someone’s there
And that cup of tea you share with
Her on the roof on summer nights
Under the starlight sky and breeze
Is where the true happiness hides
So hold on to these people with life
For they are your ray of sunshine

Readin a book

The pleasure of reading a book
After a long exhaustive day
Leaves an impact of calmness
As being in the arms of a lover
The desire to lose myself in it
As I gently touch the corner of
the pages holding stories of
Worlds beyond I can ever imagine
A playful shine rests in my eyes
As I step in to the world of words
And let the sensation of sentences
Carved with commas and full stops
Excite the inner child within me
Reminding me that life’s miracles
Exist at all places if only we’d see
With open minds and beating hearts
All wonders live within these pages
Making me feel like I found home
And my favourite characters become
A part of my life delicately connected
To me as I laugh and cry with them
In moments we breathe together on
The pages decorated beautifully with
Words taking my breathe away slowly
And I fall in love gladly over and over
Holding my world close to myself

I met Happiness

We sat across each other
Sipping on a cup of tea I asked
Happiness where it was lost
It forcefully managed a smile
And barely whispered “I have
Lost my space, fading away in
This world tired of fighting all
The hate and anger people feed”
I sigh and ask softly if it would
Keep trying for my humanity’s sake
And others who desperately wanted
To see more moonlit sky and stars
More shiny eyes and kids running
Playing in fields and open spaces
It asks me why would I ask for
Such a thing don’t I see around
I gently hold its hands and smile
“Look around you there is still hope
There maybe few like me who want
Real happiness to dance across faces
To take away those tears from eyes
Those little kids who still can be
Protected and guided are our hope
Please embrace them gently and
Give them the best of yourself for
We must not give up on our kind
The fight for right must never end”
It looks back at me and shakes its
Head “Okay I will try to stay around
A little longer for those little kids
Who have a long way to go in this
And honest hard working people 
In this world of bumps and twists
You’re right we must fight together
Even if it takes sacrifices from us”
With that we share a knowing smile of
Promises and hopes knowing what
Will come our way but true living is
When we live for others honestly
Standing up against the evil no matter
What the future may hold for us

Imagine a World

Imagine a world
Where we all were free to
Be who we wanted to be
The freedom to be yourself
I don’t know how that feels

Imagine a world
Where we didn’t kill to
Reinforce our power over
The weaker opponents
I don’t know what peace is

Imagine a world
Where parents encouraged
Their kids to live their dreams
Not molding them to their like
I don’t know a free childhood

Imagine a world
Where equal rights weren’t
Just talked about but practiced
And people were happy
I don’t know true happiness

Imagine a world
Where pain isn’t inflicted
Purposely on others rather
People choose to be thoughtful
I don’t know if we can

Imagine a world
Where hope and happiness
Still held meaning for us
In little things that we did
I don’t know either

Can we get humanity back?

About Time

He walks over to her and smiles
She is busy scribbling away
He clears his throat and sits down
She looks up and smiles warmly

He holds her small hands in his
She seems startled by this act
He keeps looking at her quietly
She blushes under his intense gaze

He hopes she would understand
She had always been good at this
He was always short of words
She always had enough for them

He opens his mouth to speak up
She puts her hand on his mouth
He looks at her questioningly
She shakes her head in a ‘no’

He wonders what that means
She beams and leans forward
He sharply exhales surprised
She was always a step ahead

He gently seals their moment
She had been his best friend
He whispers softly “I love you
She grins “About time, you idiot*